For the last few years, I have travelled up to Scotland with my partner Jo and we have stayed at Watercolour Cottage in Ardgour on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula. The landscape is stunning in all its majestic wildness, particularly the passage over Rannoch Moor, through Glen Coe and of course the ever-changing form of Ben Nevis across Loch Linnhe. I have begun a series of work called ‘Mountains and Mist’, exploring the subtleties of landscape contours as they disappear and reappear through the swirling mists. I’m delighted to say that the first three of the series have been taken on by Resipole Studios & Art Gallery Nr. Strontian and will be on display there shortly. I’m looking forward to carrying on with the series, working from some dramatic and beautiful photographs taken during our visits to the area. I may also experiment with memory and imagination. Watch this space…

Mountains and Mist, Scoltland
Misty Peaks, Glen Coe
Ben Nevis Emerging (1)
Ben Nevis emerging (2)